Productivity Tip – Turn off your instant messenger (and social network)

My last two productivity tips were about e-mail, specifically I claimed that e-mail can be devastating to your productivity and that the way to find against this is to only check e-mail only several times a day at fixed times.

But e-mail is nowhere near as bad instant messengers and social network sites.

If you want to get any work done you should never have instant messenger applications or social web sites open.

If you need to have an IM conversation, open the application and have your conversation but when the conversation is over close the application.

If you want to use social network web sites set aside time for using them and when this time is over close them and don't login again until you finished your real work.

Next week's tip will also be about e-mail but I promise I'll move on to other topics the week after that.

posted @ Tuesday, February 12, 2008 2:26 PM

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# re: Productivity Tip – Turn off your instant messenger (and social network)

Left by Abdul Muneem at 2/12/2008 8:00 PM

Good tip !!!

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