New in yaTimer 2.4 – Improved Reports Customization

yaTimer 2.4 will be a free upgrade for all existing customers.

As yaTimer 2.4 gets closer to release it’s time to give you a sneak peek at the new version and the first thing I’ve decided to show is the improved reports customization feature.

With version 2.3 of yaTimer it’s already possible to customize the reports, to use your own logo, to change the header and footer texts and more – but in version 2.4 I’ve taken report customization to the next level, not only there are some new customization options there is also a preview showing you a real report right in the customize reports window.

I know the reports look and style of the reports is important to my customers, if you bought a yaTimer license and you want to customize the reports in a way that is not supported (yet) just send me a message or leave a comment on this post and I’ll take care of it.

This is what the new customize reports window looks like:

[Customize reports window]


And here are some sample reports, all of those are the same report with the same data:

[Sample reports]

All the company names in those samples are made up, the logos are from the Microsoft Office clipart collection.

This post is about unreleased software, while the features mentioned here are already done and I don’t plan to change them until the release it is possible those will be radically changed in the final version.

posted @ Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:47 PM

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