Squirrel Clock will be released on January

Ok, Squirrel Clock was supposed to be out by now - but I had a lot of last minute changes that had to be made and some last minute bugs that I still have to fix and before you know it it's the middle of December and everyone is starting to take vacations.

Releasing a business application when most of the world is getting ready for vacation is bad enough, releasing on or just around Christmas is just plain stupid - so I'm delaying release until everyone are back to work and looking for attendance tracking software.

the first version Squirrel Clock is basically done, I'm going to use the extra time for testing, improving usability and preparing the web site - you can use the time to register to be notified when Squirrel Clock is ready and get a 20% discount when its out.

posted @ Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:40 PM

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