Status Updates and Plans for 2010

I’ve been so busy lately I didn’t have time to blog so I’m writing this post to summarize everything I’m working on and my plans for the future.

The most important thing for 2010 is the decision to retire StartMenuSearch and focus on time tracking and time management related products, this will let me expand the Nbd-Tech product line in a way that makes sense from a marketing perspective.

I’ve released the second time tracking product - Squirrel Clock – and I have 4 (yes four) other time management products in various stages of planning and development.

I want all my product to be the best in their category, this means every product have to be finished, polished and marketed – so only one of those four is currently planned to be released this year.

Below is a detailed breakdown of my development plans for 2010, all those plans are just plans and can change at any time without notice – don’t say I didn’t warn you.

yaTimer – The easiest way to track your time

yaTimer 2.5.1 will be released this month, this will be a service release and will only contain bug fixes, no new features.

The next version is yaTimer 2.6, this version is planned for the second quarter of 2010, this version will contain new features, especially in the area of project management.

The version after that will be yaTimer 3.0, as the name suggests this will be a major upgrade, this version is planned for December.

Squirrel Clock – The easiest way to track your employees time

Squirrel Clock is still in private beta, you can register to participate in the beta on the Squirrel Clock home page, everyone who registered for the beta will get a 50% discount for the first year after the beta is over, so register now.

The private beta, together with the 50% discount, will end this month (or the beginning of march at the latest) when all the functionality planned for the first version will be ready.

As a web application Squirrel Clock will have small frequent updates instead of a large update every few months, the schedule and content of updates after coming out of beta isn’t set yet and will depend on customer feedback.

Productivity Tips

There hasn’t been any new productivity tip on the blog for some time now, this is because the productivity tip series is expanding, it will leave the blog, get a brand new format and it’s own section on the web site.

The new and improved productivity tips will make their first public appearance later this month or early march.

This Blog

The blog will continue as it is today (just without the productivity tips category) with a mix of in depth technical content, business topics and product related announcements.

Undisclosed Future Product

The third time management product is planned to be released in the third quarter of 2010, I will publish more details closer to the release date.

posted @ Tuesday, February 2, 2010 1:54 PM

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