Are you a freelancer or a consultant?

Are you a freelancer or a consultant? do your clients pay on time? do you have a good system for remembering to send friendly reminders to clients that tend to pay late or some less friendly reminders to client who are late?

If you do have a system to get your clients to pay on timer tell me about it (preferably via a comment on this post – but you can send me an e-mail if you want to keep it private), if you don’t go to

Invoice Squirrel is a system that track outstanding invoices and payments and helps you get paid on time by sending you reminders when you need to follow up with your client.

This was supposed to be part of Task Zebra, but the beta made it obvious this should be a separate product.

Invoice Squirrel is in early development, I will decide if to continue development and release it as a full blown product based on the number of people who sign up on

posted @ Wednesday, April 4, 2012 2:33 PM

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