yaTimer Plugins and Extensions

Command Line Data Export

Export report data from the command line, perfect for one-click creation of predefined reports or to generate automatic data export with a scheduled task.

This plugin is currently in private beta, please contact us if you are interested in access to this plugin.

Update Twitter

Send a tweet every time you start, stop or complete a task. when to tweet and the tweet's text are fully customizable.

This plugin is currently under development, please contact us if you are interested in early access to this plugin.

Remind Me I'm Working

Popup a balloon every few minutes to remind me what I'm working on.

This plugin is currently under development, please contact us if you are interested in early access to this plugin.

Other Plugins

If you have an idea for a plugin please contact us.

The yaTimer plugin API is in early closed beta, the documentation isn't ready and the API may change between versions - if you want to write a yaTimer plugin anyway contact us.