Hello, World

Hello everyone, my name is Nir and I’m the owner, CEO, developer, tested and janitor of NBD Tech ltd.

I was inspired by many people to start my own software company (I’ll link to them later) and to blog about it.

I’m currently working on a very impressive product – that I’m not going to talk about yet. The reason is not that I want to keep my mystery product secret, I don’t think secrecy is a good marketing method, I’m just not sure when it will be ready and I don’t want to over-promise or to sell vapor-ware.

Until my big product is ready I’m going to try to sell several small utilities I wrote for my own use, all of those utilities are real working programs that I use myself – I’m currently just making them product-quality, I’m writing help files, polishing the UI and preparing setup programs.

I'll upload details of those utilities to the web site over the next few weeks - and I'll describe everything in detail in this blog 

posted @ Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:10 AM

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