Slowly Improving My AdWords Campaign

I'm now working on my Google AdWords Campaign and the web site.

The blog is still using the old web-site design, I really like the old design, but the it did need some improvements.

I moved the product name, icon, download button and buy button into the header and dropped the nice graphic effect below the header and the box with round corners around the content - this helped with the two big problems with the old design: It freed up some space "above the fold" that was wasted by graphic elements and gave me a good place for the download and buy buttons.

On the AdWords campaign front I've also done a lot of work - I removed a lot of keywords that weren't really working for me and I've added a few ad variations.

I've also added some negative keywords, every day I look in my web server logs to find out what people that clicked on my ad were looking for - then, I add the keywords from queries that obviously waren't for what I'm selling to the negative keywords list.

All of this dropped my CTR in half - but it also lowered my spending and raised the daily number of downloads.

I'm also going to try a new ad group targeted at a slightly different audience and I have to split my biggest ad group into at least two smaller ones.

The most annoying thing for me right now is that Google Analytics is nowhere near real time, I make some changes the site or campaign and I can't see the changes before a whole day passes (the AdWords panel updates every few hours and gives me a pretty good idea about how my changes affect the CTR, but I want to know how they affect the conversion rate).


posted @ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:46 PM

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