yaTimer Licensing Options

UPDATE: yaTimer licensing options have changed, see this post for details

For most software a single license gives you the right to install the software on one computer – and if you own multiple computer you are supposed to buy multiple licenses, I own several computers and I find this to be a real pain (and sometimes very expensive).

I expect a lot of yaTimer's potential customers have the same problem, so I've decided to create two different license types for yaTimer:

  1. Single computer license:  You can install yaTimer on a single computer, anyone who can use this computer can use yaTimer.
  2. Single user license: Only one person may use yaTimer – but you may install yaTimer on up to 3 computers (for example: your work computer, home computer and laptop).

When you purchase yaTimer you get a choice what type of license you want to use.

If you choose one of the options and later you discover the other option is better for you – no problem, just send me a message (using e-mail or the contact form) and I'll change your license type at no extra charge.

The new licensing policy will be updated on the yaTimer information and purchasing pages in a few hours.

posted @ Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:09 PM

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