Productivity Tip 0 – Introducing the Productivity Tips Series

I'm starting a new series of posts on my blog and this time it's not a technical topic that is only interesting to developers.

This series in about improving your productivity, or specifically your time management - most people know that if you actively manage your finances you can get more out of your money, the same way if you actively manage your time you can get more done.

Getting more done is not only about work, if you can do the same amount of work in less time you can spend the extra time having fun with your family, reading good books or even sleeping.

And if you're thinking this all post series is just a ploy to sell more copies of yaTimer - the easiest to use and most down to earth time tracking software (that's actually a quote from one of my customers), well, you're right, but all the productivity and time management tips are still good and can be used without yaTimer.

posted @ Sunday, October 7, 2007 3:56 PM

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