yaTimer 2.0 Almost Finished

I haven't posted much in the previous few weeks, this is because I was too busy working, several projects I'm involved with are getting close to finished (and to deadlines).

yaTimer is one of those projects I've been working like crazy getting all the little details right and now finally all the features planned for this version are finished.

yaTimer now has to go through several days of rigorous testing, and then, if I don't find some huge bug I'm going to finally release version 2.

As with all previous versions I had to make painful decisions about which features are going to make it into this version and which features are going to be delayed.

So, what's new in version 2.0?

  • You can now assign tasks to projects or client.
  • A whole new reporting system, including the ability to customize the reports with your own logo and text.
  • The timesheet report has been rewritten with the new system and now it's looking much better.
  • Three new reports, showing how your time is divided between tasks, clients and projects.
  • A lot of small bugs fixed.

A major feature that was supposed to be in version 2.0 – expanse tracking – had to be cut in order to get the version ready for release, but it will be added in some later version.

posted @ Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:04 PM

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