yaTimer 2.0 Automatic Update Released

I've uploaded yaTimer 2.0 into the automatic update server, If you click the “Check for Updates” button on the main menu you'll be prompted to upgrade.

And I messed up the auto-update installation again, so most of my customers wouldn’t be able to update from within yaTimer.

As always, updates are free from the web site at:


I've fixed the auto-update bug and I hope that the auto update service will work for the next version.

Now that version 2.0 that I worked so long and hard on is finally done its time to think about what to do next.

I have my to-do list for version 2.1 already, it’s going to be a minor upgrade with some small feature requested by customers and of course bug fixes for bugs found in the 2.0 release.

I plan to keep the next version - and several versions after it - small, to make it a steady stream of small improvements with a release every month or two, we'll see if I can manage that.

posted @ Thursday, October 25, 2007 11:38 PM

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