yaTimer 2.1: New Look

yaTimer's new look

This post talks about yaTimer 2.1 that will be officially released on February 1st and will be a free upgrade to all customers, with the release I'm also raising the price – so if you buy now you'll get the new version and save 20$.

yaTimer 2.1 got a new look, one reason for the new look is the graphic redesign I'm doing company-wide, (I published the new yaTimer logo a while back, the blog changed and the rest of the site will follow in a few days.

But the real reason behind the change is compatibility, I switched the technology I used to shape the window, the old technology has a very nasty compatibility problem with some graphics hardware and is responsible to about 90% of the problems with the software.

As an added bonus the new look is also easier for the computer to draw and has better hardware acceleration - that will make yaTimer more responsive and will use less system resources all in one go.

posted @ Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:32 AM

Comments on this entry:

# re: yaTimer 2.1: New Look

Left by otis at 1/29/2008 4:48 PM

Looking forward to the new release as after trying out other timers this one (by far) is my favorite. Keep up the great work!

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