yaTimer 2.1 Relesed

You can view the new screenshots, download the trial, upgrade from previous versions and buy it on the website.

If you have an older version installed you can follow this link to upgrade now or wait for the new version to be available as an automatic update (in about one week).

posted @ Friday, February 1, 2008 12:35 PM

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# re: yaTimer 2.1 Relesed

Left by ken klages at 3/14/2008 8:37 PM

I really like this program. I manage a LOT of different projects, so I use the up and down arrows to arrange my timer tasks by client name alphabetically. That with color coding makes it fast to scroll up or down and find the job I need to work on. This way I am now tracking time that I used to just do without bothering or remembering to record it on the client time sheet.

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