yaTimer Documentation

I’m working on updating the yaTimer documentation, the first part of the documentation is scheduled to be available on the second week of April.

You can find the page with short descriptions of the buttons on the main yaTimer window here

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about yaTimer you can contact me using the contact form or by leaving a comment on this blog.

If you have any suggestions for the documentation or areas of the software that need clarifications please contact me or leave a comment on this post.

UPDATE: I will release a new version of yaTimer late April, the documentation will go on-line after the version is released.

posted @ Monday, March 31, 2008 11:16 PM

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# re: yaTimer Documentation

Left by Ryan J Ollos at 4/1/2008 5:32 PM

Rather than developing much documentation, which I don't think many people read, particularly for a relatively straightforward and simple to understand application like yaTimer, you might consider developing a flash video for your website showing yaTimer in action. The video could walk the user through all of the features of yaTimer. When I have the option of a video on a website, this is the first place I go in evaluating a piece of sofware.

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