Productivity Tip: Set a deadline

A big part of improving your productivity is manipulating yourself into working when you rather not work, one of the more effective tricks is setting a deadline.

For example, the weekly productivity tip blog post has to be published every Monday – no excuses.

If we think about it for a moment we can see that nothing bad will happen if this post will be published later in the week, there is absolutely nothing time critical about this post.

But, if I allow myself to post a little bit late then before I notice the week has passed and I haven’t written the blog post.

So, if you want to make sure you do something set a deadline, this deadline has to be possible, no point in frustrating yourself for no good reason – but set a deadline.

Obviously, after you set your deadline you have to take it seriously, otherwise there’s no point to it – just act like you are going to lose a large sum of money if you miss the deadline – this usually does the trick.

posted @ Monday, November 24, 2008 5:09 PM

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