yaTimer 2.3 Released

I’ve just uploaded yaTimer 2.3 to the web site, you can download the new version here or upgrade (for free) from any older version here.

This is a small release with only user interface improvements (I’ll post the complete change log soon) it doesn’t include any of the big exciting features I’ve been working on.

With this version I also completely redesigned the yaTimer home page, I’d love to know what you think about it (as usual you can reach me by leaving a comment on the blog, using the contact form or sending a message to the support e-mail address).

posted @ Tuesday, December 9, 2008 4:09 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: yaTimer 2.3 Released

Left by Ken Klages at 1/2/2009 10:39 PM

Hi Nir,
I like the new home page design. The only suggestion I have would be to test some different headlines besides Painless Time Tracking. I certainly agree with that idea, but also for SEO reasons, it would be good to include some additional words like "for consultants, web designers and the self-employed" ... something that would perhaps help find more of the right prospects. (Keyword research would help with this, of course).

Also, a question: On the UPGRADE page, it still says version 2.2.... is it really 2.3, and you just forgot to change that label?

I love the timer, it really is SO much better than the old paper forms I used to use. On those, for quick things I would not bother to pull the client file to record a short task, and then often forgot about it. Now, it is always just a click away to keep track of ALL my billable hours.


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