Productivity Tip – Focus!

Doing something important requires focus, it requires concentration and it requires you to dedicate some time to the actual work.

Humans are bad at multi-tasking, we feel that we are extremely productive by doing several things at once, but in fact we are accomplishing less, and doing lower quality work then if we were just doing the same things one after the other.

If you’re having problem focusing try to remove things that distract you – take your phone off the hook, turn off your cell phone, close your e-mail and instant messaging applications even disconnect from the internet if you can work without network access.

A time tracking tool can help you focus , try to use a time tracking tool like yaTimer, that can help you organize your tasks without much overhead – whatever you do don’t use any time tracking tool that is complex, requires too much setup or forces you to change the way you work, the tool should work for you not the other way around.

Whatever you do set up uninterrupted time so you can actually complete your work

posted @ Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:07 PM

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