Free Mouse Pointer Image

Here is a free mouse pointer image you can use whenever you want, for example you can add it to a screenshot to show someone where to click.

The image is slightly larger than a real mouse cursor, isn’t completely white and has a large drop shadow – all of those make it much more noticeable when copying it into a screenshot.

You are completely free to use this image wherever and however you like, you don’t have to give credit (but a link back will be very appreciated).

The image is a PNG with transparent background, just right click and select “save image as” to save it to your computer.

posted @ Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:43 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: Free Mouse Pointer Image

Left by Sajal at 6/24/2012 9:49 AM

Stupid thing

# re: Free Mouse Pointer Image

Left by Blah at 12/27/2012 12:22 AM


# re: Free Mouse Pointer Image

Left by hkv at 4/15/2014 1:26 AM

Thank you very much...This was very useful, something I was struggling to create one.

Good Job !!!

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