Destroy the Web!

I was checking my web logs looking for interesting search terms – like anyone who has a commercial web site should – and I found that someone got to my site after looking for “destroy the web”.

I checked and it turns out that I’m on the top of the second page of Google for this term (with the blog post Will URL Shortening Services Destroy the Web as We Know It?).

I’m posting this for two reasons, first, I want to clarify that I’m not going to destroy the web and I don’t in any way support destroying the web, and second, I want to see if I can get to the first page of Google for this term, just because it made me laugh (yes, I’m easily amused).

posted @ Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:49 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: Destroy the Web!

Left by Andy Brice at 8/17/2009 1:22 AM

I'm still ranking well for "nude female midgets" after this post:


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