yaTimer available on BoomerApp.com for free (after rebate)

yaTimer is featured on BoomerApp this week (ending October 25, 2009).

BoomerApp.com is a new site from the people who run the discount-of-the-day site BitsDuJour.com, but instead of discount on this site you get a mail in rebate, you print a form,  send it using old fashion paper and envelope mail and receive some money back.

yaTimer is the first software to be featured on BoomerApp.com and as such it is offered with a 100% rebate – the first (and likely last) time you can buy yaTimer essentially for free, all you have to do is mail a form and you get all your money back, every last cent of it.

To buy visit the yaTimer page on BoomerApp.

posted @ Monday, October 19, 2009 2:05 PM

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