Most Popular Posts of 2009

2009 is coming to as end and it’s time to look back on what we did this year.

Here is the list of 10 most popular posts of 2009 on this blog:

  1. WPF XAML Data Binding Cheat Sheet
  2. Getting a WPF application to pick up the correct regional settings
  3. WPF Printing Part 2 – The Fixed Document
  4. WPF Printing Part 1 – Printing Visuals
  5. WPF Data Binding Cheat Sheet Update - The Internationalization Fix
  6. WPF Printing Part 3 – Sizes
  7. WPF Printing Part 4 – Print Preview
  8. What Percentage of Users have the .net Framework Installed (and what versions)
  9. Destroy the Web!
  10. Free Mouse Pointer Image

From this list it’s obvious the most popular topic on this blog is WPF, with the 8 top posts – none of my productivity related posts made it into the top 10.

So, what should I post about on 2010? I have some posts about WPF and software development already lined up, I’m going to  announce a new product I’m working on and there will probably be some posts about system administration soon after I finish moving to the new server.

I’m always looking for topic to blog about, so if there’s anything you want me to write about just send me a message or leave a comment on the blog.

posted @ Wednesday, December 30, 2009 5:12 PM

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