Minimizing yaTimer to Notification Tray

The number one complaint I get about yaTimer is that it doesn’t minimize to the notification tray, this is especially painful for me because yaTimer actually can minimize to the notification tray and has been able to do it almost since the first version.

Since a lot of people can’t find the minimize to tray options it’s obviously my fault – and because I see routinely in the uninstall survey it’s very likely this is costing me sales.

So, starting at version 2.5.2 minimizing to the notification tray will be the default behavior, if you don’t want to minimize to the notification tray you can change this from the option window.

The feedback I get leads me to believe a lot of my customers want yaTimer to minimize to the tray, I hope customers that do not like this behavior will easily find the option to disable it, I may add some popup the first time you minimize that will tell you how to change this option.

posted @ Wednesday, April 7, 2010 3:16 PM

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