WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

This is Part 4 of a series, you may want to read part 1, part 2 and part 3 first.

In the previous post I promised a cool-looking popup – so we’ll start with the screenshots and follow with the code to create them.

We start with the same window-with-a-button we used in the first post in the series:

But when we click the button we get a speech bubble popup!

How did we do that?

First, let’s look at the Window.xaml file:

<Window x:Class="AdornerDemo.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
        <ControlTemplate x:Key="PopupTemplate">
            <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
                <Grid Width="150" Height="100" Margin="5 10 0 0">
                    <Rectangle Stroke="Black" Fill="Yellow" RadiusX="6" RadiusY="6" Margin="0 20 0 0"/>
                    <Path Stroke="Black" Fill="Yellow" Data="M 25 20 L 20 0 33 20" Margin="0 1 0 0"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="What are you doing?" Margin="5 25 0 0"/>
                    <TextBox Margin="5 45 5 0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
                    <Button Content="Tweet" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>
        <Button Content="Click Me" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" a:Adorners.Template="{StaticResource PopupTemplate}" Click="ShowPopup" Name="Btn"/>

We have a control template that describes the popup, similar to the validation we have a placeholder element – this time it’s AdornerDemo.AdornedPlaceholder – that we use to position the popup.

There’s also an AdornerDemo.Adorners class and we use the Adorners.Template attached property to connect the template to the button.

The Button click event shows the popup, let’s look at the event code:

private void ShowPopup(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Adorners.SetIsVisible(Btn, true);

To show the adorner we just set the Adorners.IsVisible attached property to true, in this example we did it in code but we can also do so in XAML with a trigger.

Now, let’s look at that Adorners class that does all that magic:

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Threading;

namespace AdornerDemo
    public class Adorners
        // Template attached property

        public static readonly DependencyProperty TemplateProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Template", typeof(ControlTemplate), typeof(Adorners),
            new PropertyMetadata(TemplateChanged));

        public static ControlTemplate GetTemplate(UIElement target)
            return (ControlTemplate)target.GetValue(TemplateProperty);
        public static void SetTemplate(UIElement target, ControlTemplate value)
            target.SetValue(TemplateProperty, value);
        private static void TemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            UpdateAdroner((UIElement)d, GetIsVisible((UIElement)d), (ControlTemplate)e.NewValue);

        // IsVisible attached property

        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsVisibleProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsVisible", typeof(bool), typeof(Adorners),
            new PropertyMetadata(IsVisibleChanged));
        public static bool GetIsVisible(UIElement target)
            return (bool)target.GetValue(IsVisibleProperty);
        public static void SetIsVisible(UIElement target, bool value)
            target.SetValue(IsVisibleProperty, value);
        private static void IsVisibleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            UpdateAdroner((UIElement)d, (bool)e.NewValue, GetTemplate((UIElement)d));

        // InternalAdorner attached property

        public static readonly DependencyProperty InternalAdornerProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("InternalAdorner", typeof(ControlAdorner), typeof(Adorners));

        public static ControlAdorner GetInteranlAdorner(DependencyObject target)
            return (ControlAdorner)target.GetValue(InternalAdornerProperty);
        public static void SetInternalAdorner(DependencyObject target, ControlAdorner value)
            target.SetValue(InternalAdornerProperty, value);

        // Actually do all the work:

        private static void UpdateAdroner(UIElement adorned)
            UpdateAdroner(adorned, GetIsVisible(adorned), GetTemplate(adorned));

        private static void UpdateAdroner(UIElement adorned, bool isVisible, ControlTemplate controlTemplate)
            var layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(adorned);

            if (layer == null)
                // if we don't have an adorner layer it's probably
                // because it's too early in the window's construction
                // Let's re-run at a slightly later time
                    new Action(o => UpdateAdroner(o)), adorned);

            var existingAdorner = GetInteranlAdorner(adorned);

            if (existingAdorner == null)
                if (controlTemplate != null && isVisible)
                    // show
                    var newAdorner = new ControlAdorner(adorned);
                    newAdorner.Child = new Control() { Template = controlTemplate, Focusable = false, };
                    SetInternalAdorner(adorned, newAdorner);
                if (controlTemplate != null && isVisible)
                    // switch template
                    Control ctrl = existingAdorner.Child;
                    ctrl.Template = controlTemplate;
                    // hide
                    existingAdorner.Child = null;
                    SetInternalAdorner(adorned, null);

This class doesn’t do much, out of 115 lines 7 are declarations and 50 are attached property boilerplate code, what’s left is the UpdateAdorner method that just create a ControlAdorner (slightly different then the one we used in part 2) add a control to it and set the control template.

Now let’s look at the AdornedPlaceholder class:

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace AdornerDemo
    public class AdornedPlaceholder : FrameworkElement
        public Adorner Adorner
                Visual current = this;
                while (current != null && !(current is Adorner))
                    current = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

                return (Adorner)current;

        public FrameworkElement AdornedElement
                return Adorner == null ? null : Adorner.AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;

        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            var controlAdorner = Adorner as ControlAdorner;
            if (controlAdorner != null)
                controlAdorner.Placeholder = this;

            FrameworkElement e = AdornedElement;
            return new Size(e.ActualWidth, e.ActualHeight);

The only things it does is keep the same size as the adorned element and register itself with the ControlAdorner.

And the new version of the ControlAdorner has one extra method at the end:

using System;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace AdornerDemo
    public class ControlAdorner : Adorner
        private Control _child;
        public AdornedPlaceholder Placeholder { get; set; }

        public ControlAdorner(UIElement adornedElement)
            : base(adornedElement)

        protected override int VisualChildrenCount
                return 1;

        protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
            if (index != 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            return _child;

        public Control Child
            get { return _child; }
                if (_child != null)
                _child = value;
                if (_child != null)

        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            return _child.DesiredSize;

        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            _child.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(0, 0), finalSize));
            return new Size(_child.ActualWidth, _child.ActualHeight);

        private void UpdateLocation()
            if (Placeholder == null) return;
            Transform t = (Transform)TransformToDescendant(Placeholder);
            if (t == Transform.Identity) return;
            var oldTransfor = RenderTransform;
            if (oldTransfor == null || oldTransfor == Transform.Identity)
                RenderTransform = t;
                TransformGroup g = new TransformGroup();
                RenderTransform =
                    new MatrixTransform(g.Value);


What it does, except for a lot of error checking, is use RenderTranform to move the entire adorner so that the AdornedPlaceholder is directly above the adorned element.

All this messing around with transforms and TransformToDescendant instead of just finding the X,Y offset is important because in WPF you can set any transform you want on any element – so the button could be rotated, for example:

This is all for the adorner series, hope you enjoyed it.

posted @ Monday, July 12, 2010 4:38 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by George at 8/18/2010 9:47 AM

Hi, I'm having trouble with the Adorners class. It gets stuck in an infinite loop between the two UpdateAdorner methods because the AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(adorned)always returns null.

Any ideea why this happens?

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by George at 8/18/2010 10:22 AM

I changed the DispatcherPrority to Background and now it works. Thanks for the tips :)

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Amit at 7/14/2011 10:20 AM

Hi, the article is an excellent one. Still I am facing an issue, I want to show adorners in docking framework (i.e. avalondock). So, it works fine while every thing is inside the dock, but while I float one window, I do not get any adornerlayer (i.e. AdornerLayer.getadornerLayer(control) returns null. May be because the visual window has changed while a floating window appears? Can you point some resolution? Thanks in advance

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Nir at 7/14/2011 1:08 PM

Hi Amit.

The adorner layer is an wpf element that has to be added to the window somehow (usually in the window’s ControlTemplate).

If the current window doesn’t have an adorner layer adorners don’t work.

As for the floating windows – adorners are limited to the window, so they don’t make sense in small windows (like toolbars) where there’s no space for the adorner inside the window – maybe that’s the reason nobody bothered to add an adorner layer to the floating window.

You have two options, 1. add an AdornerLayer to the window (either to the control template or as the root element of the window) or 2. Don’t use adorners

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Amit at 7/18/2011 6:53 AM

Hi Nir,
Thanks a lot for your reply. I was able to find a way around which is exactly what you have suggested. I added AdornerDecorator in each of the DockingPanel, so that every control inside DockingPanel can use that. This solves floating window issue as every Docking panel has its own AdornerDecorator. However, if some overlay comes on top of two DockingPanel, it experiences a cut off. This is in fact logical, because every DockingPanel has different Z-index, depending on how they are placed by Docking framework. On the other hand, if I use on AdornerDecorator on top of the Docking Framework, everything works fine, except the floating windows :(.

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Steve Lillis at 9/20/2011 12:56 AM

Thank you for writing an incredibly useful (and far less invasive than most alternatives) code snippet for content owning adorners. I have a quick question though; Is the placeholder actually doing anything? Looking at your code it appears to be set and never used. I was think of dumping it entirely. Any recommendations as to why not to?
Kind Regards,

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Steve Lillis at 9/20/2011 12:59 AM

My mistake, I can see it's used for transformations. Is there any reason we can't work around this by referencing the adornedControl directly?

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Nir at 9/20/2011 11:12 AM

Steve Lillis - The placeholder is used to put something inside the adorner that represents the space that the adorned control takes.

For example put the placeholder inside a border and the border will be drawn around the adorned control.

If you don’t have the placeholder there’s no way to lay out controls inside the adorner in relation to the adorned control.

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Brandon at 4/1/2012 2:57 AM

Awesome stuff thanks! I updated your Adorners class and added an AttachedProperty that you can bind to an AdornerDecorator element. This way you can choose the exact Adorner Layer you would like to use.

# re: WPF Adorners Part 4 – Simple and Powerful System for Using Adorners

Left by Keithernet at 4/18/2012 7:31 PM

This is great!

Question: How do I databind an element in my adorner control template to a dependency property on my view model? What is the syntax?

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