The yaTimer Newsletter

I’m working on writing the first issue of the yaTimer Newsletter – a monthly short e-mail newsletter about productivity, time management and a little bit about yaTimer.

I’m trying to write this newsletter to be compatible with the GTD “two minutes rule” (if something takes less than two minutes just do it immediately) – that means I’m trying to write a newsletter you’ll be able to read in under two minutes and still get real value from.

If you have any opinion about what should go into the newsletter – or you have any productivity related story you want to share you can contact me using all the usual methods (e-mail in the page footer, contact form, blog comments …).

And you can subscribe here, it’s 100% safe, I will not use your e-mail address for anything else and there’s a simple, working, unsubscribe link in every message.

posted @ Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:41 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: The yaTimer Newsletter

Left by Ken at 10/17/2010 8:41 AM

Hi Nir,
How about some tips on how you use the tasks vs. projects. I end up just keeping one task / client and add a ton of stuff to that one thing for ease in billing. But I have a feeling I could be doing it a better way.

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