Preparing For The Big Squirrel Clock Re-launch

I'm now working on re-launching Squirrel Clock - my employee attendance clock.

The first beta of Squirrel Clock didn't go so well - so I've decided to take it off-line and really fix it before releasing it again.

The main part of Squirrel Clock - the interface used to clock in and out is nice and solid but all the supporting pages like the signup process and employee management weren't so good.

So, I'm now going over each and every page of Squirrel Clock and I'm fixing all the mistakes I've made with the first version.

You can't use the new Squirrel Clock just yet, but I hope to have it ready in just a few short weeks, in the mean time the plans and pricing page is already here and you can sign up to receive e-mail notification when Squirrel Clock is ready.

If you sign up to receive e-mail notification you will get a 20% discount on your subscription when it is released, so if you think you might need an attendance tracking solution in the near future you should really sign up now.

And if you are one of the kind people who tried the first version and didn't like it, the second version will be much better and you can try it free for 30 days and get the 20% if you sign up now too (and if you send me a quick message telling me what I did wrong in the first version I'll make sure it's fixed).

posted @ Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:43 PM

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