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Some times you just need to quickly look up a color hex value, or quickly check if a color is light or dark, so I made a table of all the named colors in .net (that corresponds nicely to the named colors in HTML, CSS and most other platforms). The text color in this table (black for light colors, white for dark colors) was calculated by the code from my post about the perceived darkness of colors. Color Name | RGB Value | Hex Value | AliceBlue | (240,248,255) | #f0f8ff | AntiqueWhite | (250,235,215) | #faebd7 | Aqua | (0,255,255) | #00ffff | Aquamarine | (127,255,212) | #7fffd4 | Azure | (240,255,255) | #f0ffff | Beige | (245,245,220) | #f5f5dc | Bisque | (255,228,196) | #ffe4c4 | Black | (0,0,0) | #000000 | BlanchedAlmond | (255,235,205) | #ffebcd | Blue | (0,0,255) | #0000ff | BlueViolet | (138,43,226) | #8a2be2 | Brown | (165,42,42) | #a52a2a | BurlyWood | (222,184,135) | #deb887 | CadetBlue | (95,158,160) | #5f9ea0 | Chartreuse | (127,255,0) | #7fff00 | Chocolate | (210,105,30) | #d2691e | Coral | (255,127,80) | #ff7f50 | CornflowerBlue | (100,149,237) | #6495ed | Cornsilk | (255,248,220) | #fff8dc | Crimson | (220,20,60) | #dc143c | Cyan | (0,255,255) | #00ffff | DarkBlue | (0,0,139) | #00008b | DarkCyan | (0,139,139) | #008b8b | DarkGoldenrod | (184,134,11) | #b8860b | DarkGray | (169,169,169) | #a9a9a9 | DarkGreen | (0,100,0) | #006400 | DarkKhaki | (189,183,107) | #bdb76b | DarkMagenta | (139,0,139) | #8b008b | DarkOliveGreen | (85,107,47) | #556b2f | DarkOrange | (255,140,0) | #ff8c00 | DarkOrchid | (153,50,204) | #9932cc | DarkRed | (139,0,0) | #8b0000 | DarkSalmon | (233,150,122) | #e9967a | DarkSeaGreen | (143,188,139) | #8fbc8b | DarkSlateBlue | (72,61,139) | #483d8b | DarkSlateGray | (47,79,79) | #2f4f4f | DarkTurquoise | (0,206,209) | #00ced1 | DarkViolet | (148,0,211) | #9400d3 | DeepPink | (255,20,147) | #ff1493 | DeepSkyBlue | (0,191,255) | #00bfff | DimGray | (105,105,105) | #696969 | DodgerBlue | (30,144,255) | #1e90ff | Firebrick | (178,34,34) | #b22222 | FloralWhite | (255,250,240) | #fffaf0 | ForestGreen | (34,139,34) | #228b22 | Fuchsia | (255,0,255) | #ff00ff | Gainsboro | (220,220,220) | #dcdcdc | GhostWhite | (248,248,255) | #f8f8ff | Gold | (255,215,0) | #ffd700 | Goldenrod | (218,165,32) | #daa520 | Gray | (128,128,128) | #808080 | Green | (0,128,0) | #008000 | GreenYellow | (173,255,47) | #adff2f | Honeydew | (240,255,240) | #f0fff0 | HotPink | (255,105,180) | #ff69b4 | IndianRed | (205,92,92) | #cd5c5c | Indigo | (75,0,130) | #4b0082 | Ivory | (255,255,240) | #fffff0 | Khaki | (240,230,140) | #f0e68c | Lavender | (230,230,250) | #e6e6fa | LavenderBlush | (255,240,245) | #fff0f5 | LawnGreen | (124,252,0) | #7cfc00 | LemonChiffon | (255,250,205) | #fffacd | LightBlue | (173,216,230) | #add8e6 | LightCoral | (240,128,128) | #f08080 | LightCyan | (224,255,255) | #e0ffff | LightGoldenrodYellow | (250,250,210) | #fafad2 | LightGreen | (144,238,144) | #90ee90 | LightGray | (211,211,211) | #d3d3d3 | LightPink | (255,182,193) | #ffb6c1 | LightSalmon | (255,160,122) | #ffa07a | LightSeaGreen | (32,178,170) | #20b2aa | LightSkyBlue | (135,206,250) | #87cefa | LightSlateGray | (119,136,153) | #778899 | LightSteelBlue | (176,196,222) | #b0c4de | LightYellow | (255,255,224) | #ffffe0 | Lime | (0,255,0) | #00ff00 | LimeGreen | (50,205,50) | #32cd32 | Linen | (250,240,230) | #faf0e6 | Magenta | (255,0,255) | #ff00ff | Maroon | (128,0,0) | #800000 | MediumAquamarine | (102,205,170) | #66cdaa | MediumBlue | (0,0,205) | #0000cd | MediumOrchid | (186,85,211) | #ba55d3 | MediumPurple | (147,112,219) | #9370db | MediumSeaGreen | (60,179,113) | #3cb371 | MediumSlateBlue | (123,104,238) | #7b68ee | MediumSpringGreen | (0,250,154) | #00fa9a | MediumTurquoise | (72,209,204) | #48d1cc | MediumVioletRed | (199,21,133) | #c71585 | MidnightBlue | (25,25,112) | #191970 | MintCream | (245,255,250) | #f5fffa | MistyRose | (255,228,225) | #ffe4e1 | Moccasin | (255,228,181) | #ffe4b5 | NavajoWhite | (255,222,173) | #ffdead | Navy | (0,0,128) | #000080 | OldLace | (253,245,230) | #fdf5e6 | Olive | (128,128,0) | #808000 | OliveDrab | (107,142,35) | #6b8e23 | Orange | (255,165,0) | #ffa500 | OrangeRed | (255,69,0) | #ff4500 | Orchid | (218,112,214) | #da70d6 | PaleGoldenrod | (238,232,170) | #eee8aa | PaleGreen | (152,251,152) | #98fb98 | PaleTurquoise | (175,238,238) | #afeeee | PaleVioletRed | (219,112,147) | #db7093 | PapayaWhip | (255,239,213) | #ffefd5 | PeachPuff | (255,218,185) | #ffdab9 | Peru | (205,133,63) | #cd853f | Pink | (255,192,203) | #ffc0cb | Plum | (221,160,221) | #dda0dd | PowderBlue | (176,224,230) | #b0e0e6 | Purple | (128,0,128) | #800080 | Red | (255,0,0) | #ff0000 | RosyBrown | (188,143,143) | #bc8f8f | RoyalBlue | (65,105,225) | #4169e1 | SaddleBrown | (139,69,19) | #8b4513 | Salmon | (250,128,114) | #fa8072 | SandyBrown | (244,164,96) | #f4a460 | SeaGreen | (46,139,87) | #2e8b57 | SeaShell | (255,245,238) | #fff5ee | Sienna | (160,82,45) | #a0522d | Silver | (192,192,192) | #c0c0c0 | SkyBlue | (135,206,235) | #87ceeb | SlateBlue | (106,90,205) | #6a5acd | SlateGray | (112,128,144) | #708090 | Snow | (255,250,250) | #fffafa | SpringGreen | (0,255,127) | #00ff7f | SteelBlue | (70,130,180) | #4682b4 | Tan | (210,180,140) | #d2b48c | Teal | (0,128,128) | #008080 | Thistle | (216,191,216) | #d8bfd8 | Tomato | (255,99,71) | #ff6347 | Turquoise | (64,224,208) | #40e0d0 | Violet | (238,130,238) | #ee82ee | Wheat | (245,222,179) | #f5deb3 | White | (255,255,255) | #ffffff | WhiteSmoke | (245,245,245) | #f5f5f5 | Yellow | (255,255,0) | #ffff00 | YellowGreen | (154,205,50) | #9acd32 |
posted @ Thursday, November 4, 2010 3:10 PM