yaTimer 2.6.3 Released

I’ve just uploaded a new version of yaTimer to the server, this is a free upgrade for all existing customers and you can download it from the yaTimer upgrade page.

This update solves two bugs – the first is a bug that made the reports preview fail and show an empty window, I've had a hard time tracking this bug down and I’d like to thank everyone who reported this, each of you gave me another clue that finally let me fix the typo that caused this.

The second bug prevented you from expanding the”(none)” group when using grouping in the task list window.

I’ve also disabled auto-update for now, there are problems with the auto-update mechanism that caused it to fail often (but without disturbing anything on your computer – the safety features of the auto-update worked perfectly), so I’ve disabled it until I can fix the problems – so version 2.6.3 will not be an automatic update, sorry about that.

posted @ Wednesday, December 15, 2010 8:51 AM

Comments on this entry:

# re: yaTimer 2.6.3 Released

Left by Dayton Perkins at 3/10/2011 8:51 AM

I purchased yaTimer as it was pretty and easy to use to track time tasks after trying it free for a day or two.
Unfortunately, unless I am missing something, it falls way short on outputting a usable report for me. I prefer to give my clients a complete view including the notes for the clocked period and the start time and end time for each.
Sorry to report I am more than a little disappointed. As far as I can see, I can only output time total and client be it a print report, CSV or whatever.

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