Products update for April 2011

I’ve just wanted to write a quick update about what’s I’m working on right now.

yaTimer time tracking software – I’m working on the next minor update to yaTimer, this update will mainly fix the auto-update system, it will also include a solution for people using yaTimer from a USB drive on both 32bit and 64bit systems, also, if you want a feature added to the next major update of yaTimer now is a good time to contact me about it.

Squirrel Clock on-line employee attendance tracking -  Squirrel Clock isn’t “officially” released – but it’s actually already live and you can sign up to use it – any feedback will be very useful.

A new unnamed product – I’m working on a new anti-procrastination product, I don’t have a name for it yet because I want a somewhat descriptive name yet I can’t even spell procrastination – any suggestions are very welcome also contact me if you want to beta-test this product.

If you want to contact me about yaTimer, Squirrel Clock, the unnamed product or just to say hi you can leave a comment on the blog, use to contact us page, or e-mailing the address in the footer of every page on the web site.

posted @ Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:48 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: Products update for April 2011

Left by Patricia at 4/21/2011 9:12 AM

Yatimer is a great application. Do you have any plans to make it available to android users?

# re: Products update for April 2011

Left by Nir at 4/22/2011 12:14 AM

Patricia - thanks, there are corrently no plans for an android version (but I do want a version of yaTimer for every platform some time in the future)

# re: Products update for April 2011

Left by Kath at 5/11/2011 8:38 PM

Suggestions for anti-procrastination software:

You'll come up with a name... sounds intresting since this comment is actually distracting me from what I'm supposed to be doing ;)

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