What’s going on here at Nbd-Tech

I haven’t written here in over a month, probably the longest time in the history of this blog, you may be asking yourself why – but, if you are like most internet users you are bombarded by so much new information every day you probably didn’t even notice the lack of posts here.

The reason is that I was involved in a project I hated – and it just sucked all the creativity out of me, I just couldn’t bring myself to write here.

But now this project is finally over and I’m back – and busier than ever.

There is a new software I’m working on that solves a very painful problem for me – and I believe almost everyone has that problem, I’ll post more details in a few days when the software web site will be up.

And then there’s a new blog/content site in a new topic that is about to be launched.

And a small free program that solves one tiny problem for the audience of that new blog.

There’s also the yet to be named anti-procrastination software I talked about before.

And, of course, the next version of yaTimer that is in final testing (I made some internal changes to yaTimer that require more testing time than the usual update).

That’s it for now, a short update about what’s going on here and assurance everything is well, I expect a lot of activity here over the next weeks as all those projects are released.

posted @ Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:33 PM

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