Announcing Task Zebra

Did you ever had so much work to do you didn’t know where to begin? and, as result, did you ever forget to address the most important or urgent item in your task list because you were too busy working on other things?

This is the problem Task Zebra is built to solve, it’s a clever prioritizing and reminders system that will help you to never forget the important stuff again.

And, as a bonus, it also tracks your invoices and help you to get paid on time.

Task Zebra will be launched in the second half of January on an invitation-only basis, if you want to try it out go to and request as invitation.

Invitation will be sent on a first-come-first-served basis, request you invitation right now and you may be able to start using Task Zebra on launch day.

posted @ Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:27 PM

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