Why I’ve started a photography blog

So what possessed me to start a new photography blog, especially when I already barely have time for all the projects I already have?

Quick answer: the two following pictures where taken at the same location, one after the other, with the same off-white wall as the background (click image for the blog post about how it was taken):

They both only had minor color corrections (less than one minute work using free software) and I got the black and white background only by changing camera settings and the position of the flash.

They are both taken by me (not a professional photographer) in my home office (not a studio) with one camera, one flash and random junk I had lying around.

Having this control over your pictures is a) great fun and b) something anybody can do – so I’ve started the useful photo tips blog to have fun, to learn and practice photography techniques and if I’m lucky to also help and teach someone else.

But a blog need readers, so, if you have any interest in photography what so ever just go to http://www.usefulphototips.com and subscribe (and if you have any photography question just send it to me).

posted @ Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:43 AM

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