Do you want a web version of yaTimer

I’m thinking about building a web version of yaTimer.

The advantages are obvious (work on any device from anywhere without installing anything), the disadvantage is that this will require a lot of work (and so will seriously slow down development of the desktop version of yaTimer).

Please tell me what you want by filling this survey, filling the survey only requires 4 clicks and it would really help me – or, if you are willing to invest more than 4 clicks leave a comment or send me a message.


posted @ Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:04 AM

Comments on this entry:

# re: Do you want a web version of yaTimer

Left by David Fisher at 4/17/2012 11:40 AM

Is there anything a volunteer could do on the web side for you if you get enough web votes?

This would be awesome if it happens. The amount of rubbish timer apps out there for phones would be knocked in to a cocked hat.

# re: Do you want a web version of yaTimer

Left by Anna M. at 5/4/2012 8:56 AM

I've voted for the web version, that's a nice idea! Would like to test it when it's done.

# re: Do you want a web version of yaTimer

Left by Frank McClung at 5/9/2012 3:44 PM

I've tried a bunch of web based timers and my experience has been that they are a pain. Mainly because you have to keep a browser open or a tab in the browser open to use it. Finding the tab among all my other ones open in a browser is a pain. And then waiting for things to load on the web... What make YaTimer so easy to use is that it sits on my desktop and an icon of it's own in my tray. Easy to find and use among the sea of open windows. I would be seriously disappointed if a web version took away from the development of the current desktop version. I've been waiting so long for an update to YaTimer that's been promised.

# re: Do you want a web version of yaTimer

Left by Petr Bajer at 5/11/2012 1:16 PM

When I need to track my time, I am sitting in front of my computer. I like to have my data on my HDD not somewhere on the server. And I don't want tracking application to depend on internet connection. And I don't want to use yaTimer via web browser. So I vote rather for improving desktop application. YaTimer itself is superb, but report outputs could be more adjustable, there is a lot of work which can be done.

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