Do you want a web version of yaTimer–the results

Over a month ago I’ve asked readers of this blog to answer a quick survey about a potential web version of yaTimer, a little later I’ve also asked people on to the yaTimer newsletter to answer the same survey.

I would like to start by thanking everyone who answered, this really helps me decide about the future direction of yaTimer.

The results are not even close – almost 74% don’t want a web version, if a web version existed 57% would not use it, another 35% would use it but only when they can’t use the desktop version.

So, I’ve heard you, current customers of yaTimer don’t want to use a web based time tracking tool (not surprising because there’s really no shortage of web based tools for those who want them).

And, as always, if you want to influence the future of yaTimer just leave a comment on this blog or send me an e-mail, I’m listening.

posted @ Monday, May 21, 2012 10:15 AM

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