Get a free Giraffe Upload upgrade

This Sunday we updated Giraffe Upload, as part of the update we introduced a new subscription level we call HOME PLUE.

The Giraffe Upload HOME subscription will always have everything you need to backup your photos from one computer – but video backup, unlimited computers and some really nice new features will only be available in the HOME PLUS edition.

Because we love our customers and want to be extra fair we will upgrade everyone who subscribed before this update to the new and improved HOME PLUS edition FOR NO EXTRA COST.

And because we didn’t do this yet you have a chance to also get this upgrade – this represents a 25% discount for the lifetime of the subscription.

I will upgrade the accounts early morning on June 7th 2012 – so anyone who subscribed the the HOME edition before that will get the free upgrade.

To buy a subscription go to

posted @ Monday, June 4, 2012 2:07 PM

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