yaTimer pricing change

This blog has been quiet lately because I had to take a lot of work not related to my products, I had to do so much non-product work that I couldn't really develop new features for yaTimer and Giraffe Upload at any acceptable schedule, I answered support e-mails and fixed bugs but new development is very slow right now.

I had to take all this extra work because revenue from yaTimer is very unpredictable, some months it’s way up and some months it’s way down – but I have to pay the same mortgage and feed all my children regardless of the number of sales this month.

To even things up, make the business more predictable – and let me spend my time on yaTimer and not client work – I’m going to stop offering yaTimer as a one time payment and leave only the subscription option.

Also, yaTimer Central will be renamed to yaTimer Cloud and will be integrated into yaTimer.

The pricing will change Jul 15th and will be:

  • yaTimer Small Business Edition, Desktop only $5.99/month per user – same as today
  • yaTimer Small Business Edition,  Desktop + Cloud $9.99/month per user – this is slightly cheaper than getting yaTimer Central Personal subscription today and will have all the feature of yaTimer Central Pro.
  • yaTimer Enterprise Edition, Desktop + Cloud $59/month per user – this is a new edition that will contain new features that are only relevant for big companies (and no, it’s not expensive because $59 per employee is not a significant amount of money for a big company)
  • If you pay annually you will get one month free every year.

Anyone who already bought a yaTimer license as a one-time payment or will buy one before the new pricing goes into effect will be able to continue to use yaTimer under the old terms.

Anyone who already bought a yaTimer license as a subscription or will buy one before the new pricing goes into effect will get an offer for a special discount to switch to annual billing, this discount will never be available again after the 15th.

Anyone who has a yaTimer Central  subscription will be able to choose to continue with the old plan-based pricing or to switch to the new flat per user pricing.

posted @ Tuesday, July 2, 2013 1:04 AM

Comments on this entry:

# re: yaTimer pricing change

Left by Petr Bajer at 7/22/2013 1:40 PM

I don't have problem to pay some money for new upgrades, but I am not glad with this subscription model. The prize is yet acceptable, but I don't like this every-month-must-pay issues. It all depends on accurate conditions. What if I don't want pay anymore, can I use my actual version further (for example if I stop my business, but need sometimes to work with my database, or when I need to use it only occasionally)? If the conditions will be same as the Adobe Creative Cloud shit, you get me never involved.

Another reason why I don't like this Cloud/Subscription fever: first it's this damn Adobe with their Creative Cloud, now the YaTimer, next will be another application and at the end I will end up with huge monthly payment bound with nothing owned. SORRY, NO WAY.

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