Testing new method for (almost) fully automatic time tracking

I’m currently testing a new automatic way to track my time when I’m doing consulting.

Currently it’s a very barebones proof-of-concept (I only partially built the “engine” and it’s automatically tracking time into a text file), I’m thinking of developing it into an actual prototype other people could use and eventually a full product.

Anybody interested?

posted @ Monday, September 23, 2013 11:35 PM

Comments on this entry:

# re: Testing new method for (almost) fully automatic time tracking

Left by Jerry Raabe at 12/31/2013 7:17 AM

I am responding to this post because in my many years of consulting, I have tried many different programs...all of them have their issues. The automatic systems, such as Chrometa and Paymo are good, but they need simplification and a better drag & drop system in to clients/projects.

If you are looking for testing and input, I certainly would be willing to work on this.

# re: Testing new method for (almost) fully automatic time tracking

Left by terredean111@gmail.com at 2/24/2014 6:34 AM

How far you have reached?


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